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I'm Florence — Success Mindset Coach for new & aspiring heart-led Coaches Impact-makers. I'm here to help you cultivate radical self-trust, a rock solid mindset & take wild, inspired ACTION towards a life & business of fulfilment, abundance & Impact!

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The power in keeping promises: How building self-trust is one of the pillars to a strong success mindset

December 19, 2020

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How building self-trust is one of the pillars to a strong success mindset

How often do you make promises? Only to break them again, and again, until you no longer believe any words that come out of that persons mouth again?  You wouldn’t do that, right?  Well very seldom… not anymore…  How about to yourself?  Ah… now I can hear the hesitation.

If you’ve ever been determined that this time you will stop eating crap and finally lose that baby weight, or that you’re not going to keep hitting snooze in the morning, or that you’re going to start turning your phone off when you take your kids to the park, or work on that new podcast…and then broken it, then you’ll know what I’m talking about when I say that that shit starts eating away at your self respect, doesn’t it?

We’ve all been there and most of us continue to live there.  We find it hard to break promises to others.  We care what they think of us, we are care about our reputation and can feel the pressure of accountability.  Well then, why not with ourselves?  Why do we not care what we think of ourselves? About our reputation with ourselves?  Because believe me, it REALLY matters.

What we think of ourselves, the beliefs we hold about how capable we are of change and keeping those promises….  well, they’re everything! And it builds too.  The more times we prove to ourselves that we can’t resist the oreos, the more we cement and confirm that believe that we are not capable of true change, we never manage it.


Our actions follow suit, and so the cycle continues.  You know what we need to do?  Start small.  Nope, smaller than that.  Mel Robbins, author of ‘The 54321 rule’, and all-round badass, talks about this so accurately when she shares how getting out of bed as soon as her alarm goes off is the one action that literally turned her life around and started to change everything.

It’s this one seemingly tiny action that starts our day off with the confirmation of a new
story about ourselves, a new belief… that we have ultimate authority over ourselves and our actions.  We do not  have to be the victim of anything. We get to CHOOSE and we can change if we make the  decision to.

It could be the promise that we will turn off all screens by 9pm so we can get to bed early  enough to  join the 5am club the next day and not cause ourselves evening overwhelm. Rather than the goal we to get an early night, (even that’s too big when so many other factors are needed for this to happen), we have to think of what the one thing is that will help to push that first domino down, that will make all the other ones fall.

For me? Unless I have an alarm reminding me to get the hell off of social media and stop being a zombie to the screen, it doesn’t matter how much I know I should have an early night, I just won’t notice the time, or how tired I am, until it’s too late.

So start telling yourself a new story, and showing yourself proof in your actions and by keeping your promises. Cultivate a self-trust with yourself where you know you can be just as accountable to your needs as you would to someone elses.  If you can’t keep a promise to yourself then how is this life you want going to build itself?

Stop waiting for inspiration to strike and decide to change the record right now, starting with that one small promise to yourself that you will keep. The smaller the better.  I promise…once that first domino is down, the rest will take care of themselves

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I'm Florence — Success Mindset Coach for new & aspiring heart-led Coaches Impact-makers. I'm here to help you cultivate radical self-trust, a rock solid mindset & take wild, inspired ACTION towards a life & business of fulfilment, abundance & Impact!

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